Tonight the girls had the opportunity to be in the Sea to Ski Jr. parade. They were all super excited and Maya kept calling it "The Show". We were all in the back of the truck and Maya is taking it all in and then looks at me and says "I''m tired, I am going to sleep." I got her to stay awake for 1/2 of the parade and then she went to sleep in my arms. When she woke, she wanted to know where "The Show" was. Mackenzie and Sydney enjoyed being in the parade although Sydney said she would much rather watch the parade than be in it.
Next weekend is our first camping trip out in our trailer. Up to now we have only tented it in all our almost 16 years of marriage. We are all so excited to get away for a long weekend as well as taking out the trailer. Now if we could get some sunshine to go with our weekend that would be icing on the cake!!!
Today us girls were able to take my mom out for her birthday. We went to Giuseppes and then walked a bit on the waterfront. We had a nice time spending time with my mom and celebrating who she is and what she means to us.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Blessed beyond belief
![]() |
Our 3 Princesses - Mackenzie (10), Sydney (8 1/2) Maya (4) |
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Trying to wrap my head around the impossible
The Monkey!!!! |
The Munson's - September 2010 |
Our girls!!! |
Friday, August 20, 2010
Home Sweet Home!!
Those words have never meant as much to me as they do now. After 12 weeks of being in between housing and staying with my parents, house sitting and staying in a friends trailer, we are finally in our home. Although there is much to be done on the inside and out, it is so wonderful to be home. Boxes are still a plenty in the garage, hardwoods need to be installed downstairs, the addition above the garage needs to be completed and the outside need lawn to be put in, trees to be cut down, a fence to be put in, a goat pen to put up and on and on. But the main thing is the 5 of us are home and loving it!!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
One Year home with the Monkey
For some of you who don't know - Maya is nicknamed the monkey as she can and will climb anything. Her ability is beyond belief and thus she is just our little monkey. Today was spent reflecting on the past year with the blessing of Maya. Talking with the girls about what they remembered most from this day last year and Sydney responded, " I loved how she was so fascinated by my red hair when we first met her mommy", Mackenzie remembered the first time Maya came to her and wanted to play with her. We all have fond memories of our special time traveling to China to pick up our specially chosen daughter/sister and it was fun to celebrate today. We sang Happy Gotcha Day to the tune of Happy Birthday, had a fun dinner of Teriyaki dinner with garlic stir fryed vegetables over a bed of brown rice noodles and then snuggled up as a family to look through Maya's baby book, look at pictures and read all the new things Maya has done, things she has said and all her "firsts". What a year - traveling home on a very long plane ride, only being home a few days to be packed up and going camping (what were we thinking???), coming home for a few weeks and pack up again for another camping trip, surgery in November, cast for 13 weeks, first parade, first hike, first Christmas, first birthday with her family, backpacking in and camping, and the list goes on and on. We are so blessed and thankful for how God has formed and shaped our family. He is forever stretching and growing our faith.
A little bit of house update: The house we bought and were set to close on July 8 came into a bit of complications as the seller was in foreclosure and the bank repossessed the home. Thus the house isn't his to sell, yet we are in a legally binding contract. Tomorrow is the court date where the judge will decide the fate of the house - does the bank get to keep it and try and sell it or will the bank take it out of foreclosure and allow us to have the house? I will keep you posted........
A little bit of house update: The house we bought and were set to close on July 8 came into a bit of complications as the seller was in foreclosure and the bank repossessed the home. Thus the house isn't his to sell, yet we are in a legally binding contract. Tomorrow is the court date where the judge will decide the fate of the house - does the bank get to keep it and try and sell it or will the bank take it out of foreclosure and allow us to have the house? I will keep you posted........
Friday, June 4, 2010
A time of many transitions....
We are still in transition with our housing situation. We have been pending on a house in Ferndale for quite some time and the process doesn't seem to be moving along at all. In the meantime Rich and I have been looking at other houses and are praying the doors would open at the right time so we are in the house God has chosen for our family.
Maya is doing well. She is continually saying more and more, is extremely expressive and active. She adds such energy to the house!!! Her leg continues to strengthen, although it is still substantially smaller than her other leg.
Sydney has been having some issues with her tonsils for the past few months. We have found out that she has a chronic infection in her tonsils. She is having a hard time eating and chokes often. She also is waking in the night from choking and will be going in to have her tonsils and adenoids out on Thursday.
Mackenzie is doing well. She went through her first experience of having a tick. We have been camping and also did a backpacking trip and she picked up a tick. We sucessfully removed the tick and she is glad to have that over with. Now she insists on doing tick checks each day.
A week from Sunday we will be dedicating Maya at church. It will be a special time for us as her parents to stand up before friends and family and commit her to the Lord and commit to raising her in a Christ-centered home.
Maya is doing well. She is continually saying more and more, is extremely expressive and active. She adds such energy to the house!!! Her leg continues to strengthen, although it is still substantially smaller than her other leg.
Sydney has been having some issues with her tonsils for the past few months. We have found out that she has a chronic infection in her tonsils. She is having a hard time eating and chokes often. She also is waking in the night from choking and will be going in to have her tonsils and adenoids out on Thursday.
Mackenzie is doing well. She went through her first experience of having a tick. We have been camping and also did a backpacking trip and she picked up a tick. We sucessfully removed the tick and she is glad to have that over with. Now she insists on doing tick checks each day.
A week from Sunday we will be dedicating Maya at church. It will be a special time for us as her parents to stand up before friends and family and commit her to the Lord and commit to raising her in a Christ-centered home.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday Maya!!
April 18, 2010 - Maya turns 3!!! We are so excited that we get to celebrate this years' birthday with Maya. Last year we were waiting to travel and celebrated as a family on her day, but it just doesn't compare to being able to see her huge smile, hold her in my arms, and hear her giggle. Maya has requested to play soccer, eat a ladybug cake and have cookies.
We also had a check up at Children's Hospital and are so excited to have great news. Her foot is healing very well, she walks great and although her calf muscle on the club foot leg will remain smaller than her other leg, it will continue to strengthen. After the appointment we headed to the zoo for the day as a family. A much needed break from home to just be together as a family and have a truly relaxing and fun filled day.
We also had a check up at Children's Hospital and are so excited to have great news. Her foot is healing very well, she walks great and although her calf muscle on the club foot leg will remain smaller than her other leg, it will continue to strengthen. After the appointment we headed to the zoo for the day as a family. A much needed break from home to just be together as a family and have a truly relaxing and fun filled day.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Emotional whirlwind.......

A couple of weeks ago my grandpa went into the hospital. Not expected to live but a few days he is still living but is heavily sedated and not recognizing anyone. It is hard on the family to see him this way and I wonder what God's plan is in this situation. The girls are very sad that Great-Grandpa is going to be going home to be with Jesus soon but happy for him.
Last week we were in Costco and Sydney slipped on the cart and hit her arm. I comforted her and made sure she was okay and said she needed to walk by the cart. Little did I know what would happen next ----she passed out, hit the ground and was knocked unconscious. I rolled her over she was gray and not breathing. She then made an awful gasping for air and went into a seizure. It was such a scary traumatic time for us. I had the other 2 girls with me as well. A nice lady helped out and called 911 and called Rich at work. The paramedics were close by and arrived on scene very quickly. They stabalized Syd and due to neck pain had to do the full neck brace and complete immobilization. She was put on oxygen and loaded up in the ambulance after she was stable. My parents arrived to take the other 2 girls while we went via ambulance to the ER. There she had x-rays and cat-scans to check for fractured skull, bleeding, etc. When we got the results that it was a concussion and she was out of sports for the time being it was such a relief to hear she was going to be okay. Mackenzie and I are still dealing with the events of the day, Sydney is recovering and we go to the doctor tomorrow for a check up. She as well is shook up, but in a different way - hard to explain. She doesn't remember the actual events. She is traumatized over going into a store and the scariness of the ambulance ride and ER visit. Both Mackenzie and Sydney don't ever want to go in a store again. Although I know they eventually will, I am not forcing the issue. Just praising Jesus that all 3 of my babies are home, healthy, and alive!!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Moving Day is getting closer
After 10 1/2 years of living at our current home we are moving. So much has happened in the past decade. Rich and I have grown stronger in our faith, we have had some wonderful and memorable vacations, we have spent countless hours changing things at the house - gardens, flooring, trim work just to name a few, added 3 beautiful girls and now we are closing the chapter at this home and starting a new chapter. So this next month as we pack up we will be reflecting on all the wonderful memories we will take with us and journey forward to our new home. When we bought this house Rich had only been at his job for a little over a year and I was working full time. Rich is still at the same job and 9 1/2 years ago I took a 'promotion' to mommy and love it!!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
My Job Title
A woman, renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk's office
was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation.
She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.
'What I mean is, ' explained the recorder,
'do you have a job or are you just a ...?'
'Of course I have a job,' snapped the woman.
'I'm a Mom.'
'We don't list 'Mom' as an occupation,
'housewife' covers it.'
Said the recorder emphatically.
I forgot all about her story until one day I found myself
in the same situation, this time at our own Town Hall.
The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised,
efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like,
'Official Interrogator' or 'Town Registrar.'
'What is your occupation?' she probed.
What made me say it? I do not know.
The words simply popped out.
'I'm a Research Associate in the field of
Child Development and Human Relations.'
The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and
looked up as though she had not heard right.
I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most significant words..
Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written,
In bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.
'Might I ask,' said the clerk with new interest,
'just what you do in your field?'
Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice,
I heard myself reply,
'I have a continuing program of research,
(what mother doesn't)
in the laboratory and in the field,
(normally I would have said indoors and out).
I'm working for my Masters, (first the Lord and then the whole family)
and already have four credits (all daughters).
Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities,
(any mother care to disagree?)
And I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it).
But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers
and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.'
There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she
completed the form, stood up, and personally ushered me to the door.
As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career,
I was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3.
Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model,
(a 6 month old baby) in the child development program,
testing out a new vocal pattern.
I felt I had scored a beat on bureaucracy!
And I had gone on the official records as someone more
distinguished and indispensable to mankind than 'just another Mom.'
What a glorious career!
was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation.
She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.
'What I mean is, ' explained the recorder,
'do you have a job or are you just a ...?'
'Of course I have a job,' snapped the woman.
'I'm a Mom.'
'We don't list 'Mom' as an occupation,
'housewife' covers it.'
Said the recorder emphatically.
I forgot all about her story until one day I found myself
in the same situation, this time at our own Town Hall.
The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised,
efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like,
'Official Interrogator' or 'Town Registrar.'
'What is your occupation?' she probed.
What made me say it? I do not know.
The words simply popped out.
'I'm a Research Associate in the field of
Child Development and Human Relations.'
The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and
looked up as though she had not heard right.
I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most significant words..
Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written,
In bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.
'Might I ask,' said the clerk with new interest,
'just what you do in your field?'
Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice,
I heard myself reply,
'I have a continuing program of research,
(what mother doesn't)
in the laboratory and in the field,
(normally I would have said indoors and out).
I'm working for my Masters, (first the Lord and then the whole family)
and already have four credits (all daughters).
Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities,
(any mother care to disagree?)
And I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it).
But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers
and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.'
There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she
completed the form, stood up, and personally ushered me to the door.
As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career,
I was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3.
Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model,
(a 6 month old baby) in the child development program,
testing out a new vocal pattern.
I felt I had scored a beat on bureaucracy!
And I had gone on the official records as someone more
distinguished and indispensable to mankind than 'just another Mom.'
What a glorious career!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
What no one ever told me
I was forwarded a link to this site and what the person wrote is amazing. I suppose I am extremely touched by it as we also adopted what they deemed a 'special needs' girl. The insight into what special need is and isn't is articulated wonderfully and I especially love that her little girl is a firecracker as well because that could definately be used to describe Maya--- Our precious bundle of endless energy and inquisitive spirit!!!
Here is the link to the website:
Here is the link to the website:
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The cast is off

The cast is off and Maya is doing well. Her leg continues to gain strength and she loves the new found freedom of no cast and each day states, "Look, no cast!!!" Looking back on the journey of the 13 weeks in the cast I can see that it was harder on her than I saw during the time. She seemed to just adjust and carry on. And she did do that and pressed on, definately not letting the cast slow her down in anyway. But looking back I see anger and frustration that has diminished since the cast has come off that I didn't see while the cast was on.
I am reading an amazing book that was recommended to me from a fellow adoptive mom. It is Parenting your Internationally Adopted Child from the first few hours through the teen years. It has been so insightful into the whole process of adopting and emotions, behaviors, challenges and some insight on how to deal with all this. I have been extremely encouraged and been able to understand what all our precious daughter has gone through in her life thus far. It stopped me dead in my tracks as I realized we received her when she was 2 years, 3 mos. old and we were the 6th people she was handed over too. Wow, what has that done with her trust, her sense of belonging, etc. Does she get that this family is for real, we wont be turning her over to someone else in a few short months? My prayer is that as her parents we are able to create security, love, trust, and so much more. With God all things are possible and I can do all things through him who gives me the strength. Day by day is how we will press on and continue to love on this precious gift, our daughter, that God has given us and grow in our own faith in the process as well. I even see our other two daughters being stretched and growing. Today as Maya was having a long tantrum and my patience with the screaming was growing thin, Mackenzie quoted scripture - Blessed are the peacemakers, and the verse I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. It was exactly what I needed to hear at the right time. What a huge blessing to me, as her mom, that in a time of need the 'seeds' that are being planted in our daughters are taking root and showing. It's all God and I continue to pray that Rich and I will plant seeds and they will be deeply rooted and all 3 of our daughters will be lights shining always.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
And just a few days to go....

Wow, we are at the 6 month anniversary of having Maya. (Jan. 13 was the day!!) I can't believe it. Somehow it seems a lifetime ago that we got her, yet I know during the waiting it seemed a lifetime that we were waiting. And now here she is...settling into family.... Learning new words each day, testing in different ways each day, giggling, smiles, security, coming to me for comfort to give her loves and kisses when she is hurt, etc. It is an amazing journey. Half the time she has been home she has been in a cast and at 1:30 on Wednesday the cast is coming off!! Praise God, we are so excited. Rich and I are still baffled that her foot that was slightly turned in was considered a special need, yet rejoice that it was as we were able to bring her home so quickly from the time of referral to picking her up. What will she do on Wednesday when her cast is off and we leave Children's Hospital without a new one on? Each time we have gone to Children's a new cast has gone on. We talk about it each day and do the countdown, but does she get it? I will have the camera and video camera to document it at the sheer joy of her having that freedom. One of the things I am most excited about is her being able to come home and take a bath. Not for the convenience of not having to give her a 'spit' bath on the counter, but the complete joy she has in baths. She loves them. The picture here of her is her in the bath the night before surgery in November. We went down the 16th and had a pre-op appt. and the doctor let her come home for the night without the cast as surgery was at 6 a.m. and there was no need to recast since surgery was in the morning. Nothing put pure joy for Maya to be in a bath. It shows that it is the little things that matter. She has been a trooper during this whole time of having the cast and I am so happy for her to be free from it and run, hop, skip, climb and jump without the cast!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
A long week............

Tenacious, Spirited, determined, lively, inquisitive, strong willed - anyway you put it, sometimes it is just plain tough being a mom of a spunky 2 year old. She has had a week, that is for sure. I wish I had the answer to the best way to discipline her while she tests the limits, I can only pray for God to guide me as we go down this parenting journey. No one said it was going to be easy and this week is proving that very thing. Parenting is not for the faint of heart. I haven't been the best at doing this verse lately but James 4:8 says Draw near to me and I will draw near to you. That is what I need to do - draw close to God and trust and rely on Him.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The last cast

Yesterday we drove down to Children's Hospital and had Maya's full length leg cast removed, the Dr. checked out the mobility of the foot, a cast was made of her foot to make a brace for when the cast is removed on Jan. 20 and then she will wear the night brace for 2 years. Then the new cast went on... below the knee!!! What an amazing difference it makes in having a short cast. Although the first time Maya tried to walk she fell to the ground. Her poor leg muscles haven't worked in 6 weeks. Today she has been very wobbly and unsteady and trying to figure out the balance of it all. Her leg and foot were also positioned in a different way making things difficult. We had a very rough night last night and as the parents were very slow to clue in to her pain. So tonight she went to bed with Tylenol and Rich and I are praying for a full nights sleep.
Reflecting back on the last year, it is amazing to think of all that has happened. It has been an amazing year, a growing year, and a blessed year. 2009 is a year to remember of many, many blessings.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Joyful moments

This week I have truly begun to see a joyful bond between Sydney and Maya. It has been a rough 5 months for those two. Between Sydney changing from the youngest to having a younger sister and both Maya and her temperment being so similar they have had more disagreements and attitudes towards one another than I could have possibly imagined. I am truly seeing the love. Sydney is seeking Maya out and wanting to play with her. Hearing them play together and laugh and giggle is so much more than my words can express. Through lots of tears, prayer, and frustration it seems we have turned a corner. I have known from the start that all 3 would have a strong sisterly bond.... but there were days I was beginning to doubt it could happen. Mackenzie and Maya have had an easier transition, but I can see a peace in Mackenzie these past few days as she was having a hard time with the fights her sisters had. Ahhh, peaceful, joyful moments.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tis the season.....

Maya has enjoyed more 'firsts'...Thanksgiving, first snow, hot cocoa, baking Christmas cookes, Christmas lighted parade and painting. She definately enjoyed Thanksgiving and her big turkey dinner and the pie. Having moved into the Christmas season it is so fun to see the joy of it all in her. She loves the lights, the joining us for 'bible time' as we do our Advent tree, and loves the nativity scene and sings Happy Birthday Jesus everyday. We have two nativity sets and one is for the kids to set up and be 'hands on' with. Thus baby Jesus is often in Maya's hands. Very precious.
We are so happy to be celebrating the birth of Jesus this December as a family of 5. So hard to imagine that last year at this time we didn't even have a picture of Maya. We are truly blessed to have our beautiful daughter home with us and are so grateful for all three of our girls. God is good.
Sydney lost her 7th tooth and the excitement was overwhelming as this was the fist one she pulled out. Elated and overjoyed are vast understatements to her reaction to pulling it out. The other 6 teeth stayed in until they fell out on their own, so this was a huge event!!!
Sydney lost her 7th tooth and the excitement was overwhelming as this was the fist one she pulled out. Elated and overjoyed are vast understatements to her reaction to pulling it out. The other 6 teeth stayed in until they fell out on their own, so this was a huge event!!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
1st time seeing Christmas Lights

Seeing the way Maya's eyes lit up with seeing decorations, lights, Christmas trees was so amazing and emotional to see. Just to think this time last year she had just newly moved from the orphanage to her foster home. I don't have any knowledge of what took place and how they celebrated, if they even did. She was enthralled with the lights and overjoyed everytime we pointed out lights on the way to church. Teaching her the meaning of Christmas and having her here is such an amazing blessing. Last year it felt as if our family wasn't all together as we felt called to adopt and knew our daughter was out there somewhere and now a year later to have our bundle of energy here with us is so amazing.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
No slowin' down

We are now almost 2 weeks out from surgery. Maya is doing very well and has even learned how to walk, run, climb, and jump with the full leg cast. We had a rough first week with pain management but that seems to be behind us. Keeping her down and her foot elevated wasn't exactly easy to do with her activity level. Now we only hope and pray the cast lasts until the 14th when they put on the new cast. Her activity level is such that the bottom of her cast is falling apart. I think I have had a harder time adjusting to the full leg cast than her. It is difficult to carry her and it is difficult to dress her and bathe her. Jan. 20th is the date she gets the final cast off!!! Oh, what a day that will be!!!! I am not sure who will be more excited her or me?!?!?
I added a few pics we took when we first got her out of recovery. Sleeping peacefully with pain meds and an epidural still in effect.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Surgery is tomorrow morning at 7:30. We have to check in at Children's at 6:15 so we will be leaving at 4:20 to head to Seattle. I am hoping Maya stays asleep so she is a bit rested. I am fighting a bit of anxiety of the whole surgery thing, but ultimately know God is in control. We went to Children's today for an appt., removal of the cast and x-rays. Maya was so elated to have her cast off - very proud and showing everyone. The first thing she asked for when we got home was a bath. So she had a very long bath and played and was so overjoyed. A reminder that it is the simple things in life that bring joy. Seeing her laughing and so full of joy - what a blessing for such a beautiful daughter. 3 beautiful daughters we have - wow I am in awe of what God has given us.
Psalm 57:10 - For great is your love, reaching to the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Psalm 126:3 - The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Psalm 57:10 - For great is your love, reaching to the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Psalm 126:3 - The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Surgery is scheduled
Next week Maya will have surgery to lengthen her achilles tendon. This will allow the final correction of her foot. We have almost 10 weeks of casting left and then 2 years of night bracing. We are glad to have Dr. Mosca as the surgeon as we completely trust him in the care of our daughter.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Our precious Maya
I have wondered since we found out Maya was in foster care what the situation was like. I knew very little of the foster care system and China and had very little information given while in China due to keeping the families privacy. But I did find out that the children in foster care are placed most of the time with families that they call "model" families. They foster 4-5 children & that is considered their job. They have no other employment. They treat their children as their own--feed, care & love them. I believe that the foster family was hand picked by God for our precious Maya and that they loved her so amazingly for the 7 months they had her in their home. I will be thinking of them and say a prayer for them as I am so grateful for all the love they must have shown to her and how hard that must have been to say goodbye to her. I was also reflecting back and looking at pictures as I was scrapbooking our trip to China and reminded of how difficult it was for the two orphanage employees who brought Maya to us to say good bye to her. She is such a special girl and I can see that they had bonded with her and her with them. She has changed so much in the 3 months we have had her from how much her hair has grown, to talking so much, and changed from the scared little girl that was thrust into our arms to a very secure, energetic, determined and fearless little girl.
Next Monday, October 26th we will be driving to Children's Hospital to have Maya's foot casted. We were very optimistic that this wouldn't have to happen as they corrected her foot in China, but her foot has regressed and we are so pleased to have a great doctor to work with. After 4 weeks in a cast we will know if we are progressing with 4 more weeks in a cast or surgery.
Next Monday, October 26th we will be driving to Children's Hospital to have Maya's foot casted. We were very optimistic that this wouldn't have to happen as they corrected her foot in China, but her foot has regressed and we are so pleased to have a great doctor to work with. After 4 weeks in a cast we will know if we are progressing with 4 more weeks in a cast or surgery.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Blessings of our Children
The blessings of our children seem endless. Even the tough days can teach us so much about our selves and perserverance and complete reliance on God. Through this season of adjusting to a new blessing of little Maya our family is growing together and learning to be completely united. Maya is adjusting wonderfully - of course we still have the 2 year old tantrums, but she seems to daily get more and more comfortable. Sydney and Mackenzie are enjoying being a part of teaching Maya how to play Ring around the Rosy, The wheels on the Bus and more. Maya loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Some of her favorite things to play with are a stuffed dog named Giger and a tea set. She is so silly and full of funny faces. And to listen to her giggle is priceless. Rich and I seem to be giggling at her giggling. The girls love to make her laugh as well as they chase her around the house.
We are enjoying the last days of summer and have picked lots of berries and are preparing our garden for a fall crop. Maya likes to wash the weeds in a bucket of water after we pull them from the garden.
Mackenzie is getting ready to start up in Fall Soccer and Sydney is enjoying photography. Maya is getting used to BaBa going to work each day and has accepted it a bit better than when he first went back. She is also accepting the cats a bit more. Each day we go out for a walk and Maya loves to ride in the stroller and look around for birds and other animals.
The Joy of the Lord is our strength. We rejoice at our growing family.
We are enjoying the last days of summer and have picked lots of berries and are preparing our garden for a fall crop. Maya likes to wash the weeds in a bucket of water after we pull them from the garden.
Mackenzie is getting ready to start up in Fall Soccer and Sydney is enjoying photography. Maya is getting used to BaBa going to work each day and has accepted it a bit better than when he first went back. She is also accepting the cats a bit more. Each day we go out for a walk and Maya loves to ride in the stroller and look around for birds and other animals.
The Joy of the Lord is our strength. We rejoice at our growing family.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Maya has been with us a month!!!!
Today marks the one month anniversary. Hmm, has me thinking I should do some special sort of celebration to mark her with her forever family. I will be pondering what I will be doing. Maya is adjusting well with typical regression. She is taking control in a few areas of her life - eating, sleeping and potty. She came fully potty trained and now is not. She isn't resisting it, she will sit on the potty, she will also just go in her pants and not care about it. She has opted to not take naps which creates some mighty fine tantrums due to exhaustion, and she is very selective what she will eat - fruit and veggies are very rare for her to eat. I imagine this will all work itself back out as she realizes this is the real deal. We are a family - HER family and will never ever abandon her. She is here to stay, we just have to get through this phase and let her come to believe and trust in her time that this is indeed for real. We love her so much and the girls are great with her. Not to say that Mackenzie and Sydney haven't had their own adjustments as well. Maya is definately a daddy's girl and is his little shadow whenever he is home. He is beaming over having 3 daddy's girls!!!! We are slowly getting settled at home and rearranging to accomodate another family memeber. Mackenzie has requested to move into her own room for some space and alone time. We will be making that happen in the next few days. Mackenzie and Sydney have shared a room for quite a few years and the extra room was a play room. Eventually when Maya is ready to move out of our room she will share a room with Sydney.
My mom and dad have been an amazing asset to us with helping and supporting us. She has taken Mackenzie by herself (yesterday) and they had great one on one time sitting and talking, soaking their feet, foot massages, making and painting a birdhouse, etc. She was able to spend the night and be spoiled by mamaw and Papa. Sydney's turn is next. Thanks Mom and Dad!!!!
Happy one month anniversary Maya!!! We love you so much and are in awe that you are really here. The amount of energy you have is amazing, the giggles and smiles make us laugh and smile and the hugs and kisses melt our hearts!!!
My mom and dad have been an amazing asset to us with helping and supporting us. She has taken Mackenzie by herself (yesterday) and they had great one on one time sitting and talking, soaking their feet, foot massages, making and painting a birdhouse, etc. She was able to spend the night and be spoiled by mamaw and Papa. Sydney's turn is next. Thanks Mom and Dad!!!!
Happy one month anniversary Maya!!! We love you so much and are in awe that you are really here. The amount of energy you have is amazing, the giggles and smiles make us laugh and smile and the hugs and kisses melt our hearts!!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Home and almost settled
We have been home for over a week and are getting settled. Each day Maya is more and more comfortable. She seems to take most things in stride and has adapted quite well. We still experience some great tantrums from her, but overall she is an energetic happy toddler. Both Mackenzie and Sydney love having her around and playing with her. Today is the 3 week mark of having her!!! She is still extremely afraid of our cats and chickens still and is loving them from a distance. She is sleeping much better, which makes for much happier parents!!! For the most part we seem to be over the jet lag and enjoying the hot summer days with evening strolls, trips to the park and swimming in the pool!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Anxious to travel
We had our travel meeting with our agency today and were filled with a lot of paperwork to take with us as well as great information. We have our itinerary and are excited to go and experience China. While in Beijing we will get to see the Olympic 2008 grounds, take in an acrobatic show, walk the great wall, see the Forbidden City and more. Then while in Guangzhou we will go to the zoo, have a city tour, check out the sites and of course, the highlight of the trip - picking up our daughter on July 13, 2009.
We are hoping to update everyone along the way. Maybe even be able to send a picture or two!!! Thanks for all the love, prayers and support. We can't wait for you all to meet our newest family member!!
We are hoping to update everyone along the way. Maybe even be able to send a picture or two!!! Thanks for all the love, prayers and support. We can't wait for you all to meet our newest family member!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
The tickets have been purchased
We are very excited to have been able to purchase the tickets. We are leaving on July 8th!! We will be coming home on the 23rd. With each step of this process it becomes more and more real. Please pray for Maya as we pick her up and bring her home. Please pray for bonding and attachment to us and acceptance of us as her family. We have been loving her and wanting to bring her home for so long and for her this will all be thrust upon her.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Travel date - July 8th,2009
One of the days we have been waiting for is here. We got the call from our agency and the Travel Approval is here and our re-fingerprinting is back. We are now scheduled to leave the 8th and pick up our daughter on the following Monday. There is a lot of travel prep to do between now and then, but that will help pass the time!! The girls are so exited to finally get to meet Maya.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Waiting on paperwork
On May 22 we went and were fingerprinted and went to the adoption agency to sign paperwork to be sent to the CCAA to submit for travel approval. It takes 2-4 weeks to get the paperwork back on our fingerprinting and approx. the same time for Travel Approval from China on the documents we signed and submitted on the 22nd. As of today no paperwork is back yet. Our adoption agency will check on the status of the fingerprinting documents on Friday (June 12th) if it hasn't shown up yet. We can't get our Consulate appt. for when we are in China until these fingerprinting documents come back to us and we can submit them to China. As far as Travel Approval that will be here anytime. Our tentative travel dates are July 1st or the 8th. I am tending to believe we will leave the 8th.
In the meantime we are preparing our home for Maya, getting so excited to travel, picking up last minute items and gifts to take to China and waiting.
Our verse for Maya is Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.
In the meantime we are preparing our home for Maya, getting so excited to travel, picking up last minute items and gifts to take to China and waiting.
Our verse for Maya is Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.
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