April 18, 2010 - Maya turns 3!!! We are so excited that we get to celebrate this years' birthday with Maya. Last year we were waiting to travel and celebrated as a family on her day, but it just doesn't compare to being able to see her huge smile, hold her in my arms, and hear her giggle. Maya has requested to play soccer, eat a ladybug cake and have cookies.
We also had a check up at Children's Hospital and are so excited to have great news. Her foot is healing very well, she walks great and although her calf muscle on the club foot leg will remain smaller than her other leg, it will continue to strengthen. After the appointment we headed to the zoo for the day as a family. A much needed break from home to just be together as a family and have a truly relaxing and fun filled day.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Emotional whirlwind.......

A couple of weeks ago my grandpa went into the hospital. Not expected to live but a few days he is still living but is heavily sedated and not recognizing anyone. It is hard on the family to see him this way and I wonder what God's plan is in this situation. The girls are very sad that Great-Grandpa is going to be going home to be with Jesus soon but happy for him.
Last week we were in Costco and Sydney slipped on the cart and hit her arm. I comforted her and made sure she was okay and said she needed to walk by the cart. Little did I know what would happen next ----she passed out, hit the ground and was knocked unconscious. I rolled her over she was gray and not breathing. She then made an awful gasping for air and went into a seizure. It was such a scary traumatic time for us. I had the other 2 girls with me as well. A nice lady helped out and called 911 and called Rich at work. The paramedics were close by and arrived on scene very quickly. They stabalized Syd and due to neck pain had to do the full neck brace and complete immobilization. She was put on oxygen and loaded up in the ambulance after she was stable. My parents arrived to take the other 2 girls while we went via ambulance to the ER. There she had x-rays and cat-scans to check for fractured skull, bleeding, etc. When we got the results that it was a concussion and she was out of sports for the time being it was such a relief to hear she was going to be okay. Mackenzie and I are still dealing with the events of the day, Sydney is recovering and we go to the doctor tomorrow for a check up. She as well is shook up, but in a different way - hard to explain. She doesn't remember the actual events. She is traumatized over going into a store and the scariness of the ambulance ride and ER visit. Both Mackenzie and Sydney don't ever want to go in a store again. Although I know they eventually will, I am not forcing the issue. Just praising Jesus that all 3 of my babies are home, healthy, and alive!!
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