Yesterday we drove down to Children's Hospital and had Maya's full length leg cast removed, the Dr. checked out the mobility of the foot, a cast was made of her foot to make a brace for when the cast is removed on Jan. 20 and then she will wear the night brace for 2 years. Then the new cast went on... below the knee!!! What an amazing difference it makes in having a short cast. Although the first time Maya tried to walk she fell to the ground. Her poor leg muscles haven't worked in 6 weeks. Today she has been very wobbly and unsteady and trying to figure out the balance of it all. Her leg and foot were also positioned in a different way making things difficult. We had a very rough night last night and as the parents were very slow to clue in to her pain. So tonight she went to bed with Tylenol and Rich and I are praying for a full nights sleep.
Reflecting back on the last year, it is amazing to think of all that has happened. It has been an amazing year, a growing year, and a blessed year. 2009 is a year to remember of many, many blessings.