Today marks the one month anniversary. Hmm, has me thinking I should do some special sort of celebration to mark her with her forever family. I will be pondering what I will be doing. Maya is adjusting well with typical regression. She is taking control in a few areas of her life - eating, sleeping and potty. She came fully potty trained and now is not. She isn't resisting it, she will sit on the potty, she will also just go in her pants and not care about it. She has opted to not take naps which creates some mighty fine tantrums due to exhaustion, and she is very selective what she will eat - fruit and veggies are very rare for her to eat. I imagine this will all work itself back out as she realizes this is the real deal. We are a family - HER family and will never ever abandon her. She is here to stay, we just have to get through this phase and let her come to believe and trust in her time that this is indeed for real. We love her so much and the girls are great with her. Not to say that Mackenzie and Sydney haven't had their own adjustments as well. Maya is definately a daddy's girl and is his little shadow whenever he is home. He is beaming over having 3 daddy's girls!!!! We are slowly getting settled at home and rearranging to accomodate another family memeber. Mackenzie has requested to move into her own room for some space and alone time. We will be making that happen in the next few days. Mackenzie and Sydney have shared a room for quite a few years and the extra room was a play room. Eventually when Maya is ready to move out of our room she will share a room with Sydney.
My mom and dad have been an amazing asset to us with helping and supporting us. She has taken Mackenzie by herself (yesterday) and they had great one on one time sitting and talking, soaking their feet, foot massages, making and painting a birdhouse, etc. She was able to spend the night and be spoiled by mamaw and Papa. Sydney's turn is next. Thanks Mom and Dad!!!!
Happy one month anniversary Maya!!! We love you so much and are in awe that you are really here. The amount of energy you have is amazing, the giggles and smiles make us laugh and smile and the hugs and kisses melt our hearts!!!